’’Birds of Hope’’について
2020年3月29日、コロナ禍における自粛期間中、ふと思い立って鳥の絵を描き始める。翌日、その創作活動を「Bird of Hope(希望の鳥)」と名付ける。そこには「自由に空を飛ぶ鳥に希望を託す」という切なる思いがあった。SNS上で毎日新作を発表する一方、同好の仲間を広く世界から募って連携する。雨にも負けず風にも負けず、鳥の絵を描き続け、同年7月6日、100日=100羽の制作を達成。「希望の鳥」の精神を拡散させるべく、各地で個展を開催。
Yasuyuki Ukita
For a long time, he has been working as a travel writer/wine journalist, but he made a few paintings, too, and some of them were published in magazines such as ’’Esquire’’ or Inflight Magazine of United Airline.
On March 29, 2020, during the period of self-restraint due to the COVID-19, he suddenly started drawing birds. The next day, the creative activity was named ‘’Birds of Hope‘’. Then he continued it for 100 days without rest, rain or shine.